Thursday 13 October 2016

Week 4: Lazy Objects

Hennessy Youngman, How To Make an Art.

Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917.

Marcel Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel, 1913. 
"In 1913 I had the happy idea to fasten a bicycle wheel to a kitchen stool and watch it turn."

 Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q., 1919.

Marcel Duchamp, Rrose Sélavy, 1920.

Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Hanna Hoch, The Beautiful Woman, 1920.

Hannah Hoch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic, 1919.

Meret Oppenheime, Object, 1936.

Marcel Broodthaers, Femur of a Belgian Man and Femur of a French Woman, 1964.

Joan Brossa, Burocracia, 1967.

 Gabriel Orozco, Crazy Tourist, 1991.

Felix Gonzales-Torres, Untitled (Portrait of Ross in LA), 1991.

Doris Salcedo, Installation at 8th International Istanbul Biennial, 2003.

Brian Jungen, Prototypes for a New Understanding.

Cyprien Gaillard, The Recovery of Discovery, 2011.


Anonymous said...

When seeing this variety of different art, it makes me think of how much I can personalize and be creative with my own work. I enjoyed doing hands-on art like when we did the stencils and spray chalk. For my project, I plan to do something similar. I liked seeing the art by Brian Jugen, Prototypes for a New Understanding, because it showed me how creative some people's art is and how I could improve on my own artwork. What I want to know about his piece is, how he came up with this idea and why he named his artwork " Prototypes for a New Understanding "

Lara B.

Ethan C. said...

@Felix Gonzales-Torres, Untitled (Portrait of Ross in LA), 1991.
The picture with the oranges on the old tables created a very nice contrast between the new and the old. The new being the oranges, not lasting ages but bright and colorful when in their prime. And the old being the tables, war-torn and rickety from the time they’ve existed, but still holding out. The picture makes me think of a group of castaways, stranded on islands separated from each other by some external force. Except with the lush tropical nature of the stereotypical random island in the middle of the ocean and the beat up nature of the castaway flipped. The islands being dingy and the castaways being exotic.

Unknown said...

@Ethan C.

The artwork you are referring to is actually Gabriel Orozco's 'Crazy Tourist'. The title is placed above the work, not below. The actual title, however, works nicely with your interpretation of the photograph. The kind of lush tropical island you describe is most commonly experienced by tourists these days, rather than castaways.

Anonymous said...

The video "Hennessy Youngman, How to Make Art" speaks to me. I usually say I'm not much of an art person, well hands on or gallery art. I'm into the performing arts such as dancing, acting and singing. As Hennessy said, "Art isn't about making a sculpture outta scratch" made me more aware that when I say I'm not into art, that I actually am. And that art doesn't always have to be a sculpture or painting that someone made, it contains things that were already there and someone made it into something more interesting with more meaning behind it.

Joelle Pinvidic