Thursday 29 September 2016

Photographing while walking while looking down

Self portrait while looking down.

While walking and looking we encouraged students to pick up things that took their interest. I took this small balloon home with me in my pocket, and I still have it. On it in red ink is written an email address that I can't decipher.

While showing the students examples of art made by walking or moving through a space, I had raised the importance of transgression to a lot of these practices, and to art more generally. I have long found art's ability to suspend, push against, or to step outside of social and behavioural rules or expectations one of its most exciting qualities. So the highlight of this walk for me was the moment when one student (who will remain unnamed, but who knows who they are) put this knowledge into practice by picking up this almond from the carpark, only moments after I had photographed it, and promptly eating it.

Shadows of students at work.

1 comment:

ian english 10 said...

this was really fun and i was able to get a screen shot on my phone